Advisory Consulting

Enterprise Data Management

Data Profiling

This is an important step before an organization embarks on a thorough Data Quality Assessment. Data profiling helps to give a quick view of data across your IT landscape and enable a process of discovery to understand the structure and inter relation of various data elements.

Data Quality Standards (Taxonomy)

Before embarking on a Data Quality Assessment exercise, it important to define the DQ standards suitable to business needs of your organization. It not only introduces a base line standardization across different business units but also brings in immediate business advantage by optimizing asset performance and management

Data Quality and Readiness Assessment

Many studies have shown importance of right Data in successful deployment of Digital Transformation initiatives. This Assessment will use the learnings from Data Profiling and Standards to help build a in depth understanding of Data Quality issues along with the recommendations to plug the gaps and get Data ready for the Data initiatives.

Data Governance

Defining a Data Governance framework involves a holistic approach to collect, manage and store data across entire organization. It helps organizations to develop and deliver trusted and reliable data to right users in uniform format across all the business units. However to evolve a right Data Governance strategy, its important that organizations ask right questions to seek more clarity

Data Migration

Studies show that nearly 40% – 45% Digital initiatives hit a snag due to improper Data Migration strategy. Data Migration is not merely a ETL exercise, as construed by many IT teams. Often organizations underestimate the impact of either missing or poor quality data. But good news is that these problems can be effectively addressed by deploying right data management platform and projects managed by focused data organization with a strong understanding of the business domain. At Data Insights, our team has gathered several decades of experience complex migration projects and delivering successful go-lives

Insights & Intelligence

Business Analytics and Insights have witnessed tremendous advancements in recent times. Gone are the days, when business had to request certain BI reports to a specialist team and wait for day(s) to get a response. Advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) powered tools, has enabled end user to take control of their analytics needs. Further advancement in Predictive and Augmented analytics has led to building of matured analytical models which facilitate relevant insights with minimum human intervention. At Data Analytics, we have been working with our customer helping them build a resilient and agile data analytics strategy.

SAP Advisory